fahrwerksoptimierte, leistungsstarke, luftgekühlte Volkswagen

Montag, 18. November 2013

Ninove - das Motto steht fest !!! THE VINTAGE VELOCITY

 THE VINTAGE VELOCITY ... it's all about engine tuning in the 50/60ies ... double carbing, judsonising, or chorrock supercharging ... what is your choice ? Bring along YOUR souped up vintage speed volkswagen to win on of the PRIZES !

 DID YOU KNOW - een leuk wistjedatje ! - 
that Fernando will host a party @ROXYs in the towncenter that will be themed ??? 
The theme of this party this year will be OKTOBERFEST - 
be the first to enjoy YOUR oktoberfest on saturday night MARCH 15th ! 
Fernando will give a prize for the most beautifull HELGA 
and the most german FLORIAN ! PROZIT !

Freddyfiles 2014 ... will be in the sign of the vintage oldspeed bugs n'busses ... 
hence the name "the vintage velocity" don't hesitate 
to bring along your judson blown or chorrock charged split or oval aircooler - 
but also note you're welcome with any kind of aircooled volkswagen and/or old Porsche !
Note the date ! march 16th will be day that ninove turns into an aircooled funfest !

Alles verstanden?
Wenn nicht - egal !

Wichtig, am 16. März die Hacken in den Teer und ab nach Ninove

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